How to be a Responsible Netizen
To become a responsible netizen, you must know how to maintain good behavior online, to make use of the internet in good ways, and to respect others online. You must make sure that you are being good to others and that you are kind to all. Being a responsible netizen, you must know the good and bad things that can be done and to be a responsible netizen, you must avoid doing bad things and instead, do the good things like showing respect to others online and to know what things are not supposed to be done like cyber bullying. To become a responsible netizen, make sure that you are netiquette and that you show good traits towards everyone on the internet. Always be mindful of what you share like if you think that what you are about to share will hurt others then, then don't share it because if others were to do the same to you, you will feel hurt too. Before trusting some website or anything that can be found from the internet, make sure that the information is saf...