
How to Reformat a Personal Computer?

How to Reformat a Personal Computer? Steps to reformat a personal computer 1. Start your PC and press key F2, F12, or delete key. (Depends on your PC model) Your PC BIOS setting will be displayed. Find boot menu. In boot device priority select CDROM as First boot device. 2. Your PC will boot from CD and windows installation will start, press enter at this screen. 3. Accept Licensure agreement by pressing F8 key. 4. Delete the partition. 5. Create the partitions. 6. Define the size of partitions. 7. Now select your desired partition for installation of Windows XP and press enter. 8. Choose to format the partition. Choose NTFS file system quick. 9. Setup will format the partition. 10. After formatting, setup will start installing windows. 12. Select desired language and regional settings, when prompted by step. 13. Enter Windows key. 14. Type a name for your computer. 15. Select time and date settings and time zone according to your country. 16. Prov...

How to Share File and Printer in a Computer Network?

  Preliminary steps 1. Create an IP Address 2. Configure the IP Address 3. Set Windows firewall settings 4. Set up a home or small office network    Set Windows firewall settings Turn off firewall Firewall  - is a network security system that monitors and controls incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predetermined security roles. Network Stepup Wizard                                    Network Setup Wizard  - is a built-in feature of Windows that let you setup a network for computers running Microsoft Windows operating system.  Sharing file on a network (Server) 1. Place the file inside the folder 2. Right click the folder 3. Click Properties 4. Click Sharing 5. Click Share this folder on the network 6. Click Apply 7. Click OK Checking the file (Client) 1. Click Start Button 2. Click Run 3. Then type \\[IP Addr...

What is a Network Address?

What is a Network Address? A network address is an identifier for a node or host on a telecommunications network. Network addresses are designed to be unique identifiers across the network, although some networks allow for local, private addresses or locally administered addresses that may not be unique. It is commonly known as IP Address. It is the numeric address of a computer connected to the network. It is a set of numbers called as "octets" or "dotted decimal notation" that identifies any network device. Two types of Network Address There are 2 different types of network addresses, one is a MAC (Media Access Control) address and the other one is an IP (Internet Protocol) address. The MAC address is a physical address and it exists on the Layer 2 (Data Link) of the OSI (Open Systems Interconnection). Layer 2 is also known as the Data Link Layer.  The IP address is a virtual address and it operates on Layer 3 (Network). MAC addresses are unique addr...

What are the Types of Cable?

What is Network Cabling? Cable is the medium through which information usually moves from one network device to another. Types of Cable A. Twisted Pair  -    is a type of wiring in which two conductors of a single circuit are twisted together for the purposes of improving electromagnetic compatibility. a. STP (Shielded Twisted Pair) -  a type of copper telephone wiring in which each of the two copper wires that are twisted together are coated with an insulating coating that functions as a ground for the wires. The extra covering in shielded twisted pair wiring protects the transmission line from electromagnetic interference leaking into or out of the cable. b. UTP (Unshielded Twisted Pair) - a popular type of cable that consists of two unshielded wires twisted around each other. Due to its low cost, UTP cabling is used extensively for local-area networks (LANs) and telephone connections. UTP cabling does not offer as high bandwidt...

What are the Types of Network Topology?

What is a Network Topology? Network Topology is the schematic description of a network arrangement, connecting various nodes(sender and receiver) through lines of connection. Types of Network Topology Bus Topology Bus topology is a network type in which every computer and network device is connected to single cable. When it has exactly two endpoints, then it is called  Linear Bus topology . Features of Bus Topology It transmits data only in one direction and every device is connected to a single cable. Advantages of Bus Topology It is cost effective, the cable required is least compared to other network topology, it can be used in small networks, it is easy to understand and it is also easy to expand joining two cables together. Disadvantages of Bus Topology When cables fails then the whole network fails, If network traffic is heavy or nodes are more the performance of the network decreases, the cable has a limited length, and it is slower than the...

What are the Types of Computer Networking?

What is a Computer Network? A  computer network  is a set of  computers   connected together for the purpose of sharing resources. The most common resource shared today is connection to the Internet. Other shared resources can include a printer or a file server. Common types of area networks are: 1. Personal Area Network (PAN) The smallest and most basic type of network, a PAN is made up of a wireless modem, a computer or two, phones, printers, tablets, etc., and revolves around one person in one building. These types of networks are typically found in small offices or residences, and are managed by one person or organization from a single device. 2. Local Area Network (LAN) We’re confident that you’ve heard of these types of networks before – LANs are the most frequently discussed networks, one of the most common, one of the most original and one of the simplest types of networks.  LANs  connect groups of computers and low-voltage...

How to be a Responsible Netizen

To become a responsible netizen, you must know how to maintain good behavior online, to make use of the internet in good ways, and to respect others online. You must make sure that you are being good to others and that you are kind to all. Being a responsible netizen, you must know the good and bad things that can be done and to be a responsible netizen, you must avoid doing bad things and instead, do the good things like showing respect to others online and to know what things are not supposed to be done like cyber bullying. To become a responsible netizen, make sure that you are netiquette and that you show good traits towards everyone on the internet. Always be mindful of what you share like if you think that what you are about to share will hurt others then, then don't share it because if others were to do the same to you, you will feel hurt too. Before trusting some website or anything that can be found from the internet, make sure that the information is saf...